No 3/2010, September

Function and Significance of Reparcelling in Czech Republic


The law No. 139/2002 Col., on reparcelling and land offices can be consider as one of the most important tools of active land law in the CR. In frame of administrative procedure in public interest, the law enables to re-parcel lands and ownership relations to them in order to create conditions for consequential management. A property right to newly defined parcels is acquired by a decision of the appropriate land office which is an administrative authority. By means of reparcelling, also „modern“ ecological problems are solved. Reparcelling is necessary for renewal of statutory land registration, clearing and delimitation of borders in the landscape, and so it is a significant contribution for renewal of peace in land ownership in the CR shaken in 1948 – 1989. Reparcelling shows only secondary economic impact, it is more suitable to assess the effectiveness only from the point of view of effectiveness of the financial means expended for reparcelling. The pieces of knowledge presented in the paper are a result of solution of the research intention 6046070906 „Economics of Czech agriculture resources and their efficient use in frame of multifunctional agri-food systems“.

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Analysis of the causes of price fluctuations of dairy products at individual levels of the product vertical


The paper analyzes the reasons for the prices of milk and milk products in the Czech Republic for the period 2008 – 2009. In January 2008, the purchase price of raw milk was 10.08 CZK/l, and in the subsequent period it began to decline. At the end of 2008, the price was more than 3 crowns lower, and still the decrease continued. The research determined that the essential reason for the price fluctuations is the impact of the economic crisis. A substantial portion of the article was devoted to analyzing the behavior of supermarket chains toward their suppliers. It was discovered that even here there is a lot of room for the creation of pricing policy. Margin trading networks up to 25% of the delivered goods. Price negotiations affect the position papers in the manufacturing vertical. The power of suppliers and processors is based on the establishment of a strong integration unit. In the conclusion the author discusses possible future developments in price, sales policy, and the self-sufficiency of milk production in the Czech Republic. The paper was processed within the framework of the Research Project of MSM 6046070906 "The economics of Czech agricultural resources and their effective use within the framework of multifunctional agri-food systems".

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Modelling The Cattle Breeding Production in the Czech Republic


This paper proves that the use of the Cobb-Douglas form of production function is suitable for modelling the technological efficiency of selected production factors used in cattle breeding. Furthermore, it is possible to use the estimated function to analyse economic efficiency, considering also the prices of the production factors. The results of the econometric estimation show that higher initial weight affects negatively the dynamics of weight gain. Analysing the efficiency of the two main feedstuff components, i.e. the haylage and hay, it was found out that the increases in weight react inelastically with respect to the volume of feedstuffs, which is in line with the physiological limits of the animal production. The results further reveal that the increases in weight react more sensitively to haylage compared to hay. Thus, it is possible to conclude, that haylage provides technologically more efficient way of cattle breeding in comparison to hay. This paper resulted from contribution to an institutional research project MSM 6046070906 “Economics of resources of Czech agriculture and their efficient use in the framework of multifunctional agri-food systems”.

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Method of Component Depreciation of Fixed Assetsts and Its Comparision with Traditional Methods


This contribution analyzes, based on specific examples, accounting procedures and tax implications of depreciation of tangible fixed assets. It compares the component method, which has recently appeared in the Czech legal regulations, with the traditional methods. To compare the effects that the traditional methods have on profit or loss, or rather on the tax base, also the generation of provisions is used. The use of component depreciation is governed solely by the accounting regulations while the Income Tax Act has not been changed in this respect. Profit of loss has to be adjusted by a difference amount between accounting depreciation and tax depreciation in tax return.

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VLIT NODE Sensor Technology and Prefarm


Precision farming systems are based on a detailed monitoring of information and data that are necessary for successful decision-making in crop production. The system is designed for data collection from several resources. In past years an extensive research and development work has been done in the field of wireless sensor networks (WSN) in the world. When a wireless sensor network (WSN) is used for agricultural purposes, it has to provide first of all a long-reach signal. The present paper describes new long distance RFID based technology implementation - VLIT NODE.

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Analysis of the Method for the Selection of Regions with Concentrated State Aid


The paper deals with the analysis of a method used by the Czech Government and the Ministry for Regional Development to select regions with concentrated state aid. It contains a comparison with several different basic methods of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM). The analysis focuses on a mathematical algorithm of the established MCDM method and does not consider validity of any selected socioeconomic criteria and their weights. Both the strengths and weaknesses of the used MCDM method are presented. The paper includes a simple proposal of the modification of the examined method that will prevent incorrect data normalisation used for region’s evaluation before revision in 2010. Data used for all calculations were obtained from the Ministry for Regional Development.

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WCA Framework


This article describes subject-matter and components of WCA Framework. Authors describe individual elements of WCA. Article is being coupled with explaining of WCA Framework. Authors furthermore introduce differences between WCA Framework and additional analytical methods. Authors pay attention to relation between information technology, information system, work system, firm and business environment.

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ICT in Agricultural Enterprises in the Czech Republic – Exploration 2010


The present paper brings an outline of the methodology and chosen results of an extensive ICT development survey in agricultural enterprises that was carried out in the second quarter of 2010 in the whole Czech Republic. The survey was aimed primarily at the analysis of internet connectivity development in rural areas (i.e. areas where the majority of enterprises operates), at the technical and program equipment and last but not least at the present state and current trends in ICT use. This follow-up survey prosecutes the studies that were administered within the last two years (2009 in particular). In comparison with previous years, it comprises two brand new domains (e.g. social networks and their use, program equipment used in different segments of animal production, crop production and economy). The research was prepared, carried out and administred by the Department of Information Technologies in cooperation with the Information and Consulting Center of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Czech University of Life Sciences.

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