No 1/2010, March

The Trends of the Agrarian Foreign Trade of CR after Accession to EU, Competitiveness of Commodities


The extent of agricultural foreign trade (AFT) of the Czech Republic (CR) increased markedly after accession to EU. The first part of this article is devoted to the trends during the period of 2004 – 2008. Detailed analysis of the CR AFT has been carried out for all 24 items of the basic food goods during the same period for the assessment of competitiveness of individual commodities. The Balass indicator RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) was used for this analysis, as well as the Michaely index that shows the specific measure of specialization for export. The method of logarithmic decomposition, which makes it possible to determine the effect of prices and quantities to net export has also been used. This paper was processed within the framework of the Research Project of MSM 6046070906 "The economics of Czech agricultural resources and their effective use in the frame of multifunctional agri-food systems".

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Sustainable growth rate in the strategic analysis of brewery industry


An analysis of sustainable growth rate could considerably improve an assessment of Strategic Business Unit’s potential. The sustainable growth rate analysis enabled us to compare a possible growth rate within the brewery industry with a growth rate that firms had achieved. To demonstrate this in more depth, we presented a case study of the brewery industry in Poland and Czech Republic.

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Competitiveness of Agrarian Areas in the Stavropol Region


Regional development is determined by possessing specific competitive advantages and their constant improvement. The problem how to increase competitiveness of the areas remains one of the most important for the agrarian sector. Russian economic policy aims at the stable development of the agro industrial complex (and agriculture as its central part). Therefore it is necessary to analyze competitiveness not only on the country level, but also on the regional and sub-regional scale. In this paper we have analyzed the major factors influencing the competitiveness of agricultural areas in the Stavropol region.

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IT for more effective team collaboration


ICT bring new possibilities in support of team cooperation, above all in creation and sharing of common content. On base of comparison of various systems for support of the cooperation it was found out that some systems purposefully solve a flow of time planning in a firm environment (e.g. Novell GroupWise), others supports in various way a cooperation in common contents space (discussion groups, Wiki, WCMS). Changes in approach to cooperation management appear in the social network. A substantial phenomenon of the present systems for cooperation support is their virtuality. The common space is „somewhere“ and a user can share (use) it from anywhere, if he/she is connected to the internet. An example still more often used is Google Apps.

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Quality Evaluation of Electronic Data Exchange System between Business and State Authorities


The paper presents a new view of quality evaluation of a system of electronic data exchange between a business and government. A method for evaluation of the electronic data exchange system between a business and state authorities is presented in the paper. The method is called CBG (Communication between Business and Government). A goal of the CBG method is to evaluate the system of electronic data exchange between a business and state authorities, not only to evaluate applications such as an electronic data box or an electronic submission of tax. A pilot version of the CBG method provides a tool to evaluate and measure important attributes of the electronic data exchange system between businesses and state authorities

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Digital Europe – Chance for Job in Hungary


The 35 percents of EU total population use the advanced Internet services. This rate is very low and has to increase in the next years, because the employed person needs ICT user's skills. At the first level the digital literacy and at the second level the higher knowledge of ICT acquiring is very important, because nowadays, without these abilities it is not so easy to get qualified jobs in Hungary. In the information society it is very important to measure the digital literacy. For this measuring we have to ask the users to evaluate their own knowledge. In the World Internet Project evaluation we did not find a significant disparity between the evaluation of average Internet knowledge usage and that of the computer usage. In both cases, most people thought that their knowledge was good. Approximately every tenth person surveyed characterized his or her knowledge as outstanding and in a similar proportion the users thought their knowledge is weak. Taking part in organized courses and training can help to increase the digital literacy and ICT users’ skills. This taking part is decreasing parallel with increasing of age. That is why we need to take into account how we can connect these “older” people to the lifelong learning programmes, where we use the e-Learning tools. Nowadays, the importance of e-Learning is growing rapidly, partly due to the information and communication technologies in the information/knowledge-based society is developing. The goal is to enable the knowledge and skills to help the individual to become an active member of society, teamwork, motivation, and to possess the skills necessary for finding a place in the labour market.

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