The Digital Economy in the Context of Digital Transformation and Their Impact on the Electronification of Accounting Processes in the Slovak Republic

DOI 10.7160/aol.2022.140405
No 4/2022, December
pp. 53-65

Košovská, I., Hallová, M., Váryová, I., Šilerová, E., Hennyeyová, K. and Cihelka, P. (2022) "The Digital Economy in the Context of Digital Transformation and Their Impact on the Electronification of Accounting Processes in the Slovak Republic", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 53-65.ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2022.140405.


As a result of the explosive growth of scientific knowledge and the rapid development of ICT, the world economy is undergoing crucial global changes, which are the most significant since the industrial revolution. Digitization represents the most important element of the fourth industrial revolution, enabling the connection of technology and people. The digital economy is related to the rapid onset and penetration of information and communication technologies into all areas of human activity, which also requires new perspectives on the factors affecting the development and success of the economy. We digitize information and data, digitize the processes and systems that make up the functioning of the company, and digitally transform the company and its strategy. The main task of article is to determine the digital economy in the context of digital transformation and their impact on the electronification of accounting processes in the Slovak Republic. The article defines the progress and level of development of Europe's digital competitiveness in individual EU member states using the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI). The position of Slovakia and the EU is compared for the period from 2018 to 2022. Slovakia needs to create conditions for the gradual digital transformation of all sectors of the economy. Digitization is also coming to the accounting. The article also describes how the approved amendment to the Act on Accounting as of January 1, 2022 creates space for streamlining the processing and archiving of accounting records. The current change in the amendment to the Act on Accounting thus offers completely new opportunities for working with corporate accounting in relation to internal processes in the company, but also in relation to financial administration or tax authorities. All entities, this also applies to agricultural entities keeping the double entry accounting, are obliged to follow the Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on Accounting as amended.


Digitization, digital economy, digital transformation, electronification of processes, accounting, agriculture, agricultural accounting entities.


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