Estimating E-workability Components Across Central European Countries

DOI 10.7160/aol.2022.140301
No 3/2022, September
pp. 3-16

Beňo, M. (2022) "Estimating E-workability Components Across Central European Countries", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 3-16. ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2022.140301.


At present, shifting the workforce to a home-based work environment was and is a necessary response to Covid-19 crisis. In the post-pandemic work environment, e-working may continue being popular even in agribusiness. The study objective was to examine the motives for adopting face-to-display working environments within selected V4 countries and Austria in 2019, with the study being done in terms of the various components related to the spread of e-working. The study adopted Spearman’s Rho correlation using 16 numerical variables to measure the strength of association between two variables (e-working and 16 numerical variables). This study investigated the impact of 16 selected factors in determining e-workability in V4 countries and Austria. The study found that when e-working and the percentage of GDP services are considered, a very strong positive correlation is indicated: As the GDP increases, the probability of e-working increases. High levels of education and of technology reveal a strong positive correlation. When the number of highly educated employees decreases, the number of e-workers decreases. In respect of technology, greater utilisation of digital public services, internet access and computer access from the home increase the likelihood of e-working. A medium education level and the use of the internet show a strong negative correlation: When the medium educational attainment level rises, e-working decreases. As the utilisation of the internet increases, the proportion of e-working falls. These components affected higher e-workability. Through the examination of the motives for adopting face-to-display working environments, this study advances the knowledge in the e-working field of the selected countries.


Agribusiness, e-working, e-workability, Spearman’s Rho correlation, V4 and Austria.


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