Measurement and Analysis of Quality of Service of Mobile Networks in Afghanistan – End User Perspective

DOI 10.7160/aol.2016.080407
No 4/2016, December
pp. 73-84

Habibi, A. M., Ulman, M., Vaněk, J. and Pavlík, J. (2016) “Measurement and Analysis of Quality of Service of Mobile Networks in Afghanistan – End User Perspective", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 73 - 84. ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2016.080407.


Enhanced Quality of Service (QoS) and satisfaction of mobile phone user are major concerns of a service provider. In order to manage network efficiently and to provide enhanced end – to – end Quality of Experience (QoE), operator is expected to measure and analyze QoS from various perspectives and at different relevant points of network. The scope of this paper is measurement and statistically analysis of QoS of mobile networks from end user perspective in Afghanistan. The study is based on primary data collected on random basis from 1,515 mobile phone users of five cellular operators. The paper furthermore proposes adequate technical solutions to mobile operators in order to address existing challenges in the area of QoS and to remain competitive in the market. Based on the result of processed data, considering geographical locations, population and telecom regulations of the government, authors recommend deployment of small cells (SCs), increasing number of regular performance tests, optimal placement of base stations, increasing number of carriers, and high order sectorization as proposed technical solutions.


Quality of service, quality of experience, quality of service parameters, mobile network, end user, data measurement, statistical analysis, Afghanistan.


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