A Multi-Method Approach to Assess the Adoption of Precision Agriculture Technology in Brazil

DOI 10.7160/aol.2024.160304
No 3/2024, September
pp. 45-58

Ivale, A. H., de Alencar Nããs, I. and de Camargo Jani, M. (2024) "A Multi-Method Approach to Assess the Adoptionof Precision Agriculture Technology in Brazil", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 45-58. ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2024.160304.


Precision Agriculture (PA) application aims to increase crop productivity while minimizing environmental impacts. We analyzed the topics most studied in the advancement of crop production in Brazil by applying the concepts of PA using the systematic literature review (SLR). A multi-method approach combined an SLR applying the PRISMA method and secondary data analysis. We found five clusters of technologies using the PA concept related to hardware development and four clusters related to applying technologies to software development in the PA concept. Most topics focused on using sensors to control water (soil and environment), soil electrical conductivity, and data communication. The focus on sustainability led researchers to reduce chemical products related to fertilizers and pesticides using Variable Rate Fertilizers (VRT) and reducing the environmental loading. According to the research results, it was evident that PA technology might help farmers make more accurate decisions about cultivation, production, harvest, and soil management. The availability of decision support systems powered by big data and artificial intelligence to select the best crop for a given season and soil might assist Brazil's sustainable growth of food production.


Agricultural production, crop production, food production, hardware, software, sustainability.


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