The Revealed Comparative Advantage of Agri-Food Industries in Selected Countries in the Central and Eastern Europe: Gross-Versus Value-Added Trade Flows

DOI 10.7160/aol.2024.160210
No 2/2024, June
pp. 133-150

Zdráhal, I. (2024) "The Revealed Comparative Advantage of Agri-Food Industries in Selected Countries in the Central and Eastern Europe: Gross-Versus Value-Added Trade Flows", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 133-150. ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2024.160210.


The aim of the article is to interrogate comparative advantage of agrarian and food processing sectors in the context of the agri-food global value chains in particular countries in the Central and Eastern Europe using gross trade and value-added trade data from TiVA database. The Normalized revealed comparative advantage index (NRCA) was applied to analyze comparative (dis)advantage of agrarian and food processing sectors from 1995 to 2020. The article contributes twofold: First, NRCA pairs of indices calculated using gross trade and value-added trade data are mostly consistent. The analysis identifies for what areas and countries there is a discrepancy; second, it reveals comparative advantage of agrarian and food processing sectors in each country separately. It indicates different trajectories of development among countries in the Central and Eastern Europe. These results are complementary to the results of studies that evaluated comparative advantages on the product basis.


Agrarian sector, food processing, fragmentation, global value chain, value-added.


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