The Context Relevance of ICT, Freshwater Management Activity and Sustainability Goal: A Proposed Encapsulated Conceptual Framework

DOI 10.7160/aol.2023.150108
No 1/2023, January
pp. 99-112

Mongi, H. J. (2023) "The Context Relevance of ICT, Freshwater Management Activity and Sustainability Goal: A Proposed Encapsulated Conceptual Framework", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 99-112. ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2023.150108.


This study proposes an Encapsulated Conceptual Framework (ECF) for understanding the links between Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), water resource management activities, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The study aims to contribute to national, regional, and global debates on the potential of ICTs in achieving sustainability goals. A combination of two socio-technical theories - Relevance Theory (RT) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was adopted to inform the study. The literature review further informed the construction of the ECF. The framework testing involved sampling participants and collecting and analyzing the data. A sample of 251 (n = 251) individuals from formal and informal water user groups on the Tanzanian side of the Lake Victoria Basin participated in testing the framework. The study adopted the cross-sectional design to a mixed research approach. Furthermore, it used three quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques: Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), and Questionnaire Administration (QA). Each FGDs session accommodated a group of participants with 9 – 12 members across the selected sites. KIIs targeted groups network leaders, water resource managers at various levels, and other individuals with potential information. Gathered dataset was cleaned, summarized, and analyzed using descriptive, correlation, and content analytical methods. The study capitalized on the strength of Tableau and R statistics to produce the visualizations that support the descriptive analysis of the data. Furthermore, the study used R and MS Excel software to establish the relationships among the variables. Results indicated the prominent use of mobile as ICTs for freshwater management activities. Furthermore, mobile-based tools such as SMS, voice call, image and video supported these activities to attain some indicators of SDGs related to water resource management. The study concludes that the framework contributes to understanding the contextual issues on ICT, freshwater management and SDGs.


Sustainability goals, conceptual framework, freshwater resource, encapsulation.


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