Developing an Efficient System with Mask R-CNN for Agricultural Applications

DOI 10.7160/aol.2023.150105
No 1/2023, January
pp. 61-72

Jabir, B., Moutaouakil, K. E. and Falih, N. (2023) "Developing an Efficient System with Mask R-CNN for Agricultural Applications", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 61-72. ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2023.150105.


In order to meet the world's demand for food production, farmers and producers have improved and increased their agricultural production capabilities, leading to a profit acceleration in the field. However, this growth has also caused significant environmental damage due to the widespread use of herbicides. Weeds competing with crops result in lower crop yields and a 30% increase in losses. To rationalize the use of these herbicides, it would be more effective to detect the presence of weeds before application, allowing for the selection of the appropriate herbicide and application only in areas where weeds are present. The focus of this paper is to define a pipeline for detecting weeds in images through the use of a Mask R-CNN-based weed classification and segmentation module. The model was initially trained locally on our machine, but limitations and issues with training time prompted the team to switch to cloud solutions for training.


Deep learning, CNN, Mask R-CNN, precision agriculture, weed detection.


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