The Role of Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Future Vision
DOI 10.7160/aol.2022.140109
No 1/2022, March
pp. 107-124
Šafář, V., Charvát, M., Mildorf, T., Crehan, P., Kolitzus, D., Orlickas, T., Rimgaila, M., Kučinskas, A., Rybokienė, S., Horáková, Š. and Kubíčková, H. (2022) "The Role of Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Future Vision", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 107-124. ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2022.140109.
The sustainability of agriculture became one of the key priorities for policy frameworks at global and European levels. The global initiative of the United Nations that defined the Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal. Use of remote sensing to achieve sustainable practices in the entire agriculture value chain can significantly contribute to fulfil the set goals by the policy frameworks. This paper analyses the stakeholders involved in agriculture including the agri-food, public, financial and food security sectors, and their needs. In situ and virtual workshops with relevant stakeholders including an online survey served as a primary source of input for the user requirements analysis and as a platform for feedback and discussion. As a result, a set of key documents including a white paper, a policy roadmap and a strategic research agenda were published. Recommendations for future utilisation of remote sensing in agriculture are described in this paper.
Earth observation, agriculture, white paper, strategic research agenda, policy roadmap, technology watch, hackathon, webinars, questionnaires.
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