Digitalisation in the Food Industry – Case Studies on the Effects of IT and Technological Development on Companies

DOI 10.7160/aol.2020.120406
No 4/2020, December
pp. 77-92

Nagy, J., Jámbor, Z. and Freund, A. (2020) “Digitalisation in the Food Industry – Case Studies on the Effects of IT and Technological Development on Companies", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 77-92. ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2020.120406.


In recent decades as a result of the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the Internet, we have witnessed major changes in companies. The ICT support of the processes is becoming more and more extensive and comprehensive, which enables the realization of digitalisation. The interconnection of processes, machines, people in a single network makes another level of optimisation available. The changes turned up by digitalisation are not only technological, but they also have an impact on the company's organisation and strategy. Our study aims to create an analytical framework and map the opportunities that digitalisation promises in the food industry and the organisational changes that ICT and technological development bring, with special emphasis on the impact on strategy, employees, and corporate culture. Our results show that companies are not consciously engaged in digitalisation yet, but they exploit their opportunities and make improvements in this sense. Adaptation of digital solutions is often forced by the labour shortage, the pressure to achieve higher efficiency and thus to remain competitive and to service the growth strategy.


Digitalisation, ICT development, food industry, strategy, interviews.


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