Indicators’ Dynamics of Irrigated Agriculture by Federal Districts of Russia

DOI 10.7160/aol.2019.110310
No 3/2019, September
pp. 105-112

Ugryumova, A. A., Zamahovsky, M. P., Gennadievich, O. D. and Kapustina T. A. (2019) “Indicators’ Dynamics of Irrigated Agriculture by Federal Districts of Russia", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 105-112. ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2019.110310.


Currently, up to 80% of agricultural land needs watering in the Russian Federation. Therefore, the state of irrigated agriculture affects the efficiency and effectiveness of the country's food sector. The subject of this article is the studying of the basic indicators’ dynamics of irrigated agriculture (total irrigated area, its condition: good, satisfactory and unsatisfactory, costs per hectare of irrigated area and actually watered area) and their interrelations in all federal districts of the Russian Federation for 2013-2016. Methods of economic and statistical analysis were used in the work, in particular, analysis of the time series, correlation and cluster analyses. As a result of the studying, it was established that the state and development of irrigated agriculture in the Russian Federation is unstable and cannot be regulated solely by climatic factors.


Irrigated agriculture, irrigated area condition, cost per hectare of irrigated area, correlation analysis, cluster analysis.


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