Proposing of Single Entity Design Pattern in Big Agricultural Positioned Data Sets (ADS)
DOI 10.7160/aol.2018.100407
No 4/2018, December
pp. 65-69
Rajtr, J., Šimek, P. and Pavlík, J. (2018) “Proposing of Single Entity Design Pattern in Big Agricultural Positioned Data Sets (ADS)", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 65-69. ISSN 1804-1930. DOI 10.7160/aol.2018.100407.
With emerging usage of positioned devices such as drones, cell phones or IoT, the amount of data that can be collected expands drastically. At any given time, there is usually at least one nearby device that has positioning capabilities. Smart phones, smart TVs, personal computers, or even cars contain localization features. These vast amounts of data require a lot of effort in analysis and understanding in order to be properly utilized, which is especially true for the field of agriculture, where proper analysis can yield tremendous improvements in terms of production. Current computer technologies offer plenty options for such analysis. However, not every agricultural subject has access to a mainframe with performance in petaflops to perform complicated analyses of such big data in a timely manner. The defined design patterns for creation of data offers potential for speeding up the analysis of ADS on personal computers. This article describes known and used creational patterns and compares their benefits regarding ADS and offers possible usage and improvements.
Big data, agricultural, designing patterns, software engineering.
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