Differences in the Economic Situation of Organic and Conventional Winemaking Enterprises
No 3/2015, September
pp. 89-97
Vlašicová E., Náglová Z. (2016) "Differences in the Economic Situation of Organic and Conventional Winemaking Enterprises“, AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 89 – 97. ISSN 1804-1930
The number of organic farms in the Czech Republic is increasing as well as the number of organic winemaking enterprises. The article deals with an evaluation and comparison of the economic situation of organic and conventional winemaking enterprises in the Czech Republic. An economic analysis of the 75 enterprises accounting data from 2007 to 2011 has been done. The financial analysis indicators, bankruptcy models, efficiency indicator and performance indicators were calculated. In order to compare the values of the respective indicators the t-test was used. The performed analysis confirmed a better economic situation of organic winemaking enterprises. Winemaking businesses – whether organic or conventional – are capable of a good financial management and generate profit even without the aid of any subsidies.This article was created as a part of IGA 20141046 project.
Wineries, economic analysis, t-test, subsidies.
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