Human Resource Diversity Management in Selected Czech Agricultural Companies
No 3/2015, September
pp. 79-87
Urbancová H., Čermáková H., Navrátilová M. (2015) "Human Resource Diversity Management in Selected Czech Agricultural Companies“, AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 79 – 87. ISSN 1804-1930
The aim of this paper is to evaluate human resource Diversity Management in agricultural companies in the Czech Republic and to prepare a set of recommendations for the companies in this area. The primary data for the study was obtained by the use of questionnaires designed for quantitative analysis (n = 549, nagriculture = 108). The results indicate that the use of Diversity Management on Czech companies is relatively low (36.1%; na = 108). But in view of the employment situation in the agricultural sector, as well as the characteristics of the workforce engaged in agriculture, it would appear that Diversity Management will become an important feature of company management in the not so distant future.This contribution is a follow-up to the project of University – wide internal grant agency (CIGA), number 20141002 - Human resource branding using of the new strategic trends in organizations in the Czech Republic.
Human resources, Diversity Management, agriculture, the Czech Republic, labour fource, company.
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