Web Interface for Education of Mentally Disabled Persons for Work in Horticulture
No 1/2015, March
pp. 13-19
Benda P., Šmejkalová M. (2015) "Web Interface for Education of Mentally Disabled Persons for Work in Horticulture", AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 13 – 19. ISSN 1804-1930
This paper deals with the development of a suitable web interface for the education of persons with mental disabilities to work in horticulture. The research is based on the testing of several forms of web navigation by the group of mentally disabled persons. Testing was performed for seven weeks in a model course which acquainted the participants with working activities in horticulture. A partial research has also identified a suitable device and the form of control the web part of model course. Formulated results were retroactively applied to the model course and utilized for the purpose of a real support for education of mentally disabled persons for work in horticulture.
Accessibility, web interface, mental disability, horticulture.
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