Basic Outline of the Problem of the "Ageing Population of Farmers" in the Czech Republic

No 1/2015, March
pp. 89-96

Zagata L., Hádková Š., Mikovcová M. (2015) "Basic Outline of the Problem of the "Ageing Population of Farmers" in the Czech Republic“, AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 89 – 96. ISSN 1804-1930


The problem of the ageing population of farmers is often mentioned in European discussion on the future sustainability of Agriculture and is addressed by several policy measures including those belonging to the new CAP reform. The goal of this paper is to conceptualise and empirically map the problem of ageing in the Czech Republic. Using secondary data analysis, the paper outlines the basic trends related to changes in the age structure of farmers, including the main parameters of the young and older farmers' holdings. Findings of the study suggest that the Czech Republic belongs among the group of countries which is not so much affected by the problem of ageing and that the differences between farms run by young and older farmers are not as large as in other European countries. Evaluation of the problem is partly distorted by the survey methods used by Eurostat.


Young farmers, secondary analysis, Eurostat, social sustainability, CAP reform.


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