Agricultural E-Government: Design of Quality Evaluation Method Based on ISO SQuaRE quality Model

No 4/2013, December


The paper briefly describes the current use of e-government services in the Czech Republic with focus on use of e-services in agriculture. The term agricultural e-government is defined here. There are several methods for evaluation of service and e-service quality however, no relevant method based on ISO software quality standards was found yet. Proposed CABAG (Communication between Agricultural Businesses and Government) method enables to evaluate quality of agricultural electronic services by means of ISO/IEC 25010 quality in use model giving list of quality characteristics, sub characteristics and quality requirements. The overall quality of agricultural e-service is represented as an aggregated result of expected level minus actual level of implementation for each particular requirement. The method can be used both for end users and providers (or owners) of e-services. Pieces of knowledge introduced in this paper resulted from solution of Internal Grant Agency (IGA) of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague grant number 20131038 “Analýza a návrh modelu hodnocení kvality e-služeb v sektoru zemědělství” (Analysis and design of quality evaluation model of e-services in agriculture).


Agricultural e-government, electronic service, public authority, quality in use, ISO SQuaRE, quality characteristics, CABAG.

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