Czech Republic`s Self-sufficiency in Case of Pork Meat and Its Impact on Trade Balance Development
No 2/2012, June
This paper analyzes self-sufficiency in pork production in the Czech Republic, predicts its size till the 2013, and identifies factors that were significantly influencing the increasing volume of imports of pig meat in the Czech Republic during the referred years 2003 to 2011. The paper uses Index of competitive advantage RCA for the evaluation of competitiveness on the pork meat market.It was found out that the pig meat self-sufficiency went down – from 96.23 % in 2003 to 63.83 % in 2010. RCA index reached negative values of -15.82 in 2011, in comparison with the year 2003 when the RCA index showed value of +90.23.This paper is a part of a research project undertaken by the authors on the topic „Economics of resources of the Czech agriculture and their efficient use in the frame of multifunctional agri-food systems”, the grant No. 6046070906, funded by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
Self-sufficiency, pig meat, competitiveness, prediction, agrarian market, Germany, price.